
Friday 4 September 2015

A Depressed State of Mind

Hello lovies!

Did you know depression affects an estimated 350 million people around the world? Did you know 11% of teenagers have an ongoing depressive disorder by the age of 18. Did you know self harming statistics for the UK show one of the highest in Europe? (400 per 100,000 population)

Depression is a real disorder that isn't just you being sad for a while but is an ongoing feeling of melancholy and dejection. Often people don't know when someone has depression because they're probably not going to talk about it. Having depression is the worst thing because if not dealt with it can cause death and extreme self hatred. Many things cause depression. It could be a traumatising or stressful event; being abused or bullied;maybe just having an extremely low self esteem or self image. 

The first step to getting rid of depression is realising that you don't want to feel that way anymore and that you have the opportunity to be so much better than you are now. Find someone who is closest to you; someone you can really trust and you believe will be able to help you. Tell them how you are feeling and it could really help you because it's not all stored inside for you to think about. If you really feel the need to, talk to a therapist and it could be really useful and helpful as they know how to make you feel happy and proud to be you. Figure out why you are depressed and if there is anything you can do to stop yourself feeling this way. There is always an answer, just think when you are at the lowest place you can only go upwards. 

Change your diet, your hair, your style! Have a makeover that makes you feel gorgeous and is true to who you are. Having a healthy diet is really a good idea as unhealthy foods are know to relate more to symptoms of depression. If you are able to look in the mirror everyday and say to yourself 'I LOOK AMAZING AND I KNOW IT' it will really boost your self image and esteem! Don't try to make yourself look like other people and don't dull your look down because you are scared about what other people think. Who cares about those irrelevant people. What's important is you and how you feel about yourself!

Let me tell you something about bullies. They're ignorant, insecure, malicious and horrible people. Who are they to make you feel sad or ugly? You are so much better than them because you are willing to make things better. I tell you this from experience people who go out of their way to make someone's life miserable obviously have a problem themselves that they need to deal with and you having something they don't is making them take it out on you. So what, they're "prettier", "richer", "more popular"? These things will all fade away one day, but the one thing that can't fade is your confidence in telling them what they are. Mean. Nobody in this world should have the right to make you feel a certain way without your permission. High school for them is a popularity contest while for you it's a learning experience meaning you'll go on to do bigger and better things. Just wait and see. We are all humans on this earth that doesn't belong to us so people who believe they are the best thing since sliced bread really need to take several seats! Remember to stand up for yourself because a day will come when you will never see these people again so they shouldn't be able to make such a big difference in your life.

Finally if you are ever having thoughts of committing suicide stop right there! This life was not given to you so you could end it prematurely. Something is coming, something amazing and if you don't wait you'll never be able to be happy again. You my friend are too beautiful, kind, intelligent and wonderful to not be on this earth. Things will get better I promise. There is no way you were brought here to continually suffer. Believe me if you wait you'll be so happy and thankful! Find help from somebody and in a while you'll thankful you are still here to witness all the good happening in your life.

Samaritans 0845 790 9090Childline 0800 1111Papyrus 0800 068 41414Depression AllianceStudents Against DepressionBullying UK


  1. Great article!! Depression is definitely something that needs to be taken more seriously.

    1. Thank you for reading this, I hope people do start talking about it.
