
Wednesday 26 August 2015

On The 'A' to Success

Hello lovies!

Alright so a lot of people just got their GCSE or A-Level results back and if you passed congratulations! If you didn't pass don't beat yourself up about it. You know why? It's because tests and results are 'not that important'.

All our lives we've been in school and are told that we have to take these tests that will supposedly help us to get jobs in the future and if we don't pass these tests then we're basically screwed, right? Wrong! I'm pretty sure I'll still be able to become a journalist if I don't know how to do Pythagoras. We've been brainwashed into thinking that these tests are actually utile and helpful. For example I take English Literature because I want to have a career in magazine journalism and also become an author but what I don't understand is how understanding why Carol Ann Duffy and Shakespeare used metaphors in their poems will help me. Instead why not actually teach us to write some literature so we can become the next Shakespeare's of this century. It's just unnecessary information.

Doing tests are supposed to be helpful so we can develop our cognitive skills I'm guessing but the way teachers preach to us about how important they are makes a lot of young children and teenagers go through stress, anxiety and depression because of fear of failure. Students are having panic attacks because they really believe if they don't pass one test that they won't succeed. There should never be a point in school, a place we are supposed to feel safe in where a student is having a panic attack and especially not because of a test.Children as young as ten are committing suicide because of bad grades! The numbers are only getting bigger with the amount of people who think they are not worthy of living because of a bad grade. Is this really what we have to go through in order to get a 'good job.'

What schools should add to their curriculim is life skills. Real life.If you're a student ask yourself this, if you saw one of your friends choking would you be able to perform the heimlich maneuver? If you were thinking of getting your own place would you know the difference between paying rent or a mortgage and the best ways to pay for them? Do you know how to stand out and what to say and ask at a job interview? Would you know what to do if your child accidently swallowed some soap or toilet cleaner in the bathroom? Do you know how to start a conversation with someone and continue it without pulling out your phone at awkward intervals?

These are just some of the things we could be taught in school as well as starting to teach us things that are relevant because not everybody needs maths, not everybody needs science, not everbody needs geography.Times have changed and knowing the definition of mitochondria isn't really valuable in my eyes. 

To sum it up I'll say watch this very true video!


What's your opinion? Do you think school tests are important or are they a waste of time? Leave your comments below! 


  1. I was going private message you but I don't know how, can you write a post about depression. I get depression a lot

    1. I will definitely do one on depression! I can really relate to it

  2. lovely blog. Its nice when others can be able to write about things and help others.
    would love t if you could check out my blog and even join the site thank you

    1. Thanks for reading my blog, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  3. I remember getting my result and before i did i thought it was the end of the world and got real emotion about it then i realized it isn't and plus watching @ suli breaks inspiring video called I will not let and exam result determine my fate on youtube helped. You are right people are taught that if they don't get good grades then they are destined to fail. It's all a deception. Great post and keep doing your thingx

    1. Thanks so much for reading and understanding my post! Good luck for the future and God Bless!
