
Wednesday 18 May 2016

The Problem With Online Shopping

Do you guys know that magical feeling of having money in your credit or debit card? Yeah, me neither. And it's all because of that wonderful money-grabbing activity of online shopping. There are a lot of struggles that go with this sport and I'm going to be talking about them. So close your ASOS tab and keep reading.

  • Deliver-notfree

You know what I'm talking about here. It's that moment when you're shopping online for just one item like a pair of jeans and you're like sorted they're only £20, add that to basket and we'll be done here. But no the dreaded delivery fee. That extra £2.99 for delivery is making me wonder whether or not these jeans are actually worth my hard earned money. Like hello, your girl is struggling. Oh, and it gets worse when they try to compensate it with stupid stuff like if you spend £400,000 we'll deliver your items free. Bruh. I went on this website and immediately sorted everything from low to high so we're gonna have some issues. Goodbye money. It was nice knowing you.

  • Outfits for Days
Shopping Online is a dangerous game. They seriously are so good at getting you to buy more way than you wanted. Take this for example:

In your mind, you're like that's a cute skirt. Boom. Add to basket. Then you see the three words that will make your money cry out in fear. Shop. The. Look. Your next thought is that the girls outfit is cute and you need a cute new Instagram picture, so what do you do? You click the button, and the next thing you know is you're now buying a skirt, a crop top, trainers, a bomber jacket and a new necklace. Sigh... Time to look for a summer job.

  • No Tries - Guess Size
If you didn't know from my first blog post which you should definitely read (#shamelessselfpromotion) I am 5'11. This makes it 10x harder to buy clothes online. Sorry but, I don't want to hear 'Jackups' everytime I walk into a room. I would also prefer if dresses were actually dresses on me and not crop tops. The same thing goes for when you're short. You never know if what you've ordered is going to fit you or if you're going to have to pretend your mini skirt is a midi skirt. Dear Clothing Websites, please put the height of the model wearing the clothes in the description because us vertically challeged or vertically blessed people could really use that little bit of help.

  • What a Sellout
Do you know what the most irritating thing is? When you find the perfect item and you know that needs to be added to your wardrobe! But wait! Yup, every size but yours is in stock. Seriously, so every single person that wears a size 8 decided to buy this dress. Thanks guys. Actually I lied, there's one thing more irritating. When you add that perfect item to your basket and go to check out just to find out that it sold out in the 10 seconds it took you to press add to basket and checkout. I had it in my basket first! I'm done.  

  • Umm, Wut.
Have you ever been in the situation where you've ordered something online that looks amazing on the model and then you actually get it and it looks like it grew legs and trekked through the sahara desert to get to your house. It's like ordering Nicki Minaj and getting Iggy Azelea like, I didn't ask for this! And then you have to go through the struggle of returning it but you're too lazy so you just stare at it and cry. Internet, you have failed me. I hope you feel good about yourself.

  • Time to Checkout
As we know, clothes, they ain't cheap. But they are very cute and sometimes we can't control ourselves when one of our favourite websites are having a sale. So we go online and add some things to our basket. A cute top here, some new shoes there. Right now, you have about  a months worth of Instagram pictures sorted. Mmm hmm, everything is going great  until you hit the checkout button. Your total is £678.50. Umm, I can't even afford a Mcflurry. Guess I'll have to remove the 147 items in my basket and just get that plain white t-shirt instead. Oh that's £12? Well I like the clothes I have now anyway.

  • Time and Time Again

So let's say you do make it past the checkout and you rid of all your money in exchange for that outfit you just had to have, losing your money isn't even the worst part. Oh no, the worst part is sitting by the door and having to wait for your item to come. And trust me, the wait is always agonizing! It's like going to your favorite restaurant and them telling you that a table isn't going to be ready for another hour but x10. That's only the half of it too. Yeah this struggle is completed by the roller coaster of emotions you feel when you hear the postman come to your door but it ends up being that the only thing he has brought is bills and disappointment.

So what is your online shopping pet peeve? Let me know and feel free to share this if you want! Wait... Is that the postman? Gotta go. Peace!


  1. Finally a blog that I like. I'll be sure to check it out more!

  2. Haha, love each and every one of your blog relatable!

    1. Thank you so much for reading! :D Glad you liked it!

  3. Hahaha, I was literally going to online shop and I thought I should check your blog. Hahaha

  4. Lol, good choice! 😂😂
