
Thursday 4 August 2016

How To Enjoy Your New School Year!

Yes, it is back to school time! What, it's not my fault, stop with the judgy eyes. Anyway it doesn't have to be all that bad. Sure, you're going to have to spend all your money on pencils and notebooks and brand new trousers that make you look like you're asking to be embarrassed, but there is good in going back to school... Somewhere. Yep, there are ways to actually enjoy school. Whether you're starting high school, University or are going back to the same faces and teachers, here are 10 ways to enjoy your new school year! 

1. Take A Subject You Actually Enjoy

This may seem really obvious, but I have heard so many people in the middle of their course saying they hate the class or that they're extremely bored. And if you're bored, you're probably not going to pass! Duh. Make sure you take some time before choosing a subject choice for Uni, A-Levels or GCSE. The more you like the subject, the better a chance you have at passing. Figure out (or at least try to imagine) what job you would want to have in future and at least base your choice on that. Don't choose a class just because most of your friends will be in there because while they're getting A's you're going to be getting your butt whipped by you parents. And if you're just starting high school take some time to see what subjects you're best at and go with that in the future!

2. Join A Club!

Take part in some extra-curricular activities because not only are they fun, you can find some friends who have the same interests as you. Also this way you have more time to procrastinate on your homework and learn at the same time. Yep, I'm great at this advice stuff. Whether it's cooking, football, book club or a sleepover club (Yo, who remembers that show though) have fun and meet some new people. If there isn't a club for something you like or are interested in try making one yourself because there is bound to be someone who shares your interests. 

3. Don't Be A Mean Girl!

Yeah, I'm talking to all you Miss/Mr Thang's who think being mean is the number one way to crawl to popularity. Don't be mean because everyone secretly hates you. It's true. I mean one day you're Miss Popular and the next you're being sent to the emergency room because someone punched you in the face. Why not just be popular by being the girl that everyone likes and wants to hang out with? School only lasts for a while and you don't want to go into the real world with no real friends. In the real world nobody cares who is popular and if you're mean someone is going to be mean back because they're not scared of you anymore. Just be nice! The girl or guy you're being mean to could be the next Bill Gates, Beyonce or Tyra Banks in the making. And who wants to miss out on being friends with a supermodel. Not me. They have nice clothes. Plus haven't you seen Mean Girls. This could happen to you: 

4. Stay After School And Work!

Listen to me! If you are behind on work or are struggling, don't go home and ignore it! Stay after school with a teacher or by yourself if you feel distracted by friends in lessons and work on what you need to do. The richest and most successful people didn't get there by slacking and going home to listen to sad music while crying into a bowl of ice cream and hoping that their grades would get higher. You have to work to get what you want, boo boo! I'm not saying that you have to stay until you are almost locked in (I have done this multiple times though. I'm actually friends with the caretakers) but even an hour of extra work can raise your grades. And while you're friends and peers are partying, you are going to be getting ready to make money with your amazing future job. I see green in you're future. 

4. Find Your True Squad!

Make sure you find your true squad! Seriously, drop all the people that are not making you better as a person. If you can not give a genuine reason for why someone is your friend then you need to drop them like a hot pocket. Especially if they make you feel bad about yourself, make you a worse person or cause you unnecessary stress. Two words. Bye Felicia. It can be harder when you're younger to make that choice to drop someone as a friend but trust me when you're mature enough you will realise you only have like three friends and will be so thankful for that. I do not trust people with more than 10 friends, like, you do not like everyone in that group. There are just way too many personalities and egos to deal with. Have your very close friends which are probably about two or three people and make the others your acquaintances because you do not need that stress girl! 

5. Boyfriends and Girlfriends

Now, hold up. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend. I'm just advising you not to have one if your grades are getting closer to the end of the alphabet every day. Anything that causes you unnecessary stress you don't need right now. If you find yourself in the middle of your maths exam thinking 'I wonder what Ashley is wearing right now' you need to tell Ashley to take their shoes and leave your head. Being that young, the relationship is not likely to last and yes there are some people that have been together since high school but look at your significant other. Can you see this person marrying you? Would this person be someone you would want your future kids to look and act like? Would you mother be crying of joy or of misery when this person enters their house. If all these questions give positive answers then proceed, but if you're scratching your head right now, you may need to let this person go. Especially if they are affecting your grades or your well being. It's not worth it! Do you know the amount of fioneeee men/women you'll meet in your life but you're dating this one who is looking like uncooked bacon. Puh-lease. Focus on your own self now omo mi

6. Find Your Own Style!

Bruhhhh. I can honestly say I walk into school and see every boy with the same hairstyle and the same exact clothes as everyone else. You know what hairstyle I'm talking about as well, the 2014 Justin Bieber. Google it. Yeah. And every girl has the same look as well. It's like, let's check Kylie Jenner's Instagram and find what we can steal today. It gets boring, so be different and wear what you like. Maybe what everyone else is wearing is what you like but carbon copies aren't cute. Make it your own so people know who you are. Yes, everyone may be confused that someone doesn't look like them and can still look BOMB but you're going to learn to deal with everyone's eyes on you and appreciate it because looking good is hard and clothes are expensive. Don't walk out of your house wearing something because Courtney likes this colour or Anthony likes floral patterns. Is Anthony paying your bills? Is Courtney going to give you free food because you wore her favourite clothes. No. Then wear what you want!   

7. Not Every Party

You do not have to attend every party or every event to fit in. Trust me. There are so many events that I have missed because I would rather just sit home with my sisters or go out with my friends instead. Is it by force?! (This should have been read in a Nigerian accent) Seriously, if you do not want to go, don't. Because all you're going to be doing is standing in the corner  sipping on some warm lemonade and shaking your head at this foolish boy on the dance floor trying to do the Soulja Boy. Don't be embarrassed if you repeatedly have to say no to party invites or school dances because you'd rather be at home watching Boyz n the Hood and eating popcorn. 

8. Ask For Help

There can be times where school or even things out of school can be too much for a young person to handle. So do not be afraid to ask for help from your friends or teachers. They can definitely give you some well needed advice rather than you bottling everything up to then explode and have no-one be able to help you. It is not a shameful thing to ask for help and you will feel much better when you're problem has been solved, I promise! With all the exams, peers and worries for the future things can look bad but please do not hurt yourself for a temporary problem that can seem permanent. Ask for help and you'll feel much better! 

9. Puberty Sucks, Huh.

Alright so you've woken up and you're looking like the mirror can crack at anytime. Pimples, crazy hair, and a bra size of 30A topped with your horrible school uniform would make anyone want to pretend to be sick that day. Especially when you get to school and Jodie is looking like she had a glam squad help her get ready that day. Like, are we wearing the same uniform because I'm pretty sure I saw what she was wearing in yesterday's Vogue. But listen, that doesn't matter! Your body and face knows what thy are doing. Let nature take it's course. You're young, beautiful and everything will develop when it's the time! And anyway, you don't want to peak in high school because once you're at the top you can't get any higher. So yes, the girls and boys that look like supermodels at age 15 will probably end up staying that way but you will only improve and be advancing in beauty and charm everyday. Plus have you seen the celebrities who weren't supermodel ready in high school, now! Like, hello! I would definitely want it that way.

10. Have Fun!

 So let's end this on a cheesy note! Have fun! Enjoy high school, sixth form and University because once it's gone I'm sure you'll want it back. You're going to meet
 amazing people, teachers and learn amazing things. Even though I will probably never use Pythagoras ever again, it was... Fun. Yep. All I'm saying is don't stress so much and take everything too seriously because school doesn't decide what you'll do in future. It all depends on the time you take working and making something and someone of yourself. Enjoy it while it lasts. And have a great new school year!