
Friday 2 September 2016


Welcome back kids. So there seems to be a certain word that everyone has decided to say after they see something they like and that word is 'Goals.' I always hear 'Oh my gosh, that girl is so goals', or 'Aww, that couple is so goals.' Well, Auntie Bimpe is here to break your heart. Because #Goals is #Stupid. Wait, I just used two hashtags in that sentence. Dang it, 2016. Anyway, after reading this, this should be your face every time you say #Goals:

Now let me ask you something. Have you ever seen someone with a flawless face of makeup or an amazing outfit and said 'Goals?' Or have you ever seen a person with a banging body or a cute couple and said they are so 'Goals?' Well let me tell you something, you are being very foolish boo boo. You don't know everybody's back story or the context behind what you are goals-ing. You don't know what that person did to get the way they did or what anybody is truly going through. The person you saw with the perfect makeup and outfit may have an extremely low self esteem and could be disguising that with their expensive taste. That couple you saw could have one of the members being abused or extremely unhappy but they're not going to post that on social media, are they? The person with the perfect body could be dieting, taking pills or getting plastic surgery to be that skinny or that curvy. All you're doing now is wishing those people's burdens on yourself to get a little bit of good. 

Most of what you see on social media from these celebrities like Kylie Jenner or Gigi Hadid is unrealistic because unfortunately not everyone can be born into an extremely rich family and do everything they need to look a certain way. Even when the people aren't celebrities but are extremely gorgeous and rich with millions of followers, it can be fake because there a filters, angles, back stories and personal problems you don't know about and these are not things that you want to burden yourself with. Comparison is the thief of happiness and if you spend all day saying Goals and wishing you looked like someone else you are just allowing space and time for your self hatred to grow and engulf you. The only parts of people's lives on social media that you see are the good bits because the amazing bodies and envious lives is their brand identity. If McDonald's advertised their food saying 'Ba da ba ba ba, I'm Loving Grease,' I'm guessing there would be less people spending their money there. Likewise if a social media star posted a picture in which people would be able to perceive them as unattractive, boring or unlikable they probably wouldn't have the fame they do.   

To finish this off let me tell you this, you can say goals as much as you want but if you find yourself wishing you were somebody else or that you had what someone else has, just remember you do not know the full story behind anything. So, forget about what everyone else is doing and instead focus on yourself and what you aspire to be. Make yourself happy enough to not want to be like anyone else. Because you my friend, are: