
Thursday, 1 January 2015

The Problem With New Year's Resolutions

The Problem with New Year's Resolutions

Happy 2015! 

When you think 'New Year' you automatically think New Year's resolutions, right. That means starting to eat healthy, saving money instead of spending it on that amazing new leather jacket, not watching Netflix everyday and basically changing everything about yourself that you don't like. Well I say, forget all that new year new me stuff. Just because the year is changing doesn't mean I should. However there is always that one person who just needs something to work towards and setting goals is great but sometimes I'm confused about why people say they're going to do something that even they know they're going to give up on. I mean no Netflix ever again... Do you really believe you're going to stick to that?

The One on the Diet and Exercise Craze

So on the 31st of December a lot of people decide their New Year's Resolution is going to be to go on a diet, exercise and lose weight which is a great thing to decide to do. Especially after Christmas and New Years where there has been a lot of food. I congratulate you on your decision but food is just way too good for anyone to want to stop eating it. Cookies, chicken, spaghetti bolognese. All good food  that I do not want to have to give up. Then there's exercising where you actually have to get up and do stuff. Nope. Just look in the mirror. Yes, that beautiful person in there is you! If you exercise you are probably an amazing person but I'm going to be over here eating this pizza and praying for a faster metabolism. 

The One Who Isn't Going to Procrastinate

Of course everyone is going to want to get more work done but making it a resolution to not procrastinate is like making it a resolution to not cry when watching The Lion King. Why, Mufasa, Why not me!? Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars, Red Band Society all have new seasons coming out so me and not procrastinating is not going to happen. Everytime I sit down to do work it occurs to me that I may have left the tap on in the bathroom and then I'm standing in the bathroom so I might as well take a three hour relaxing bath. Getting more work done is awesome but so is sleep. Instead of not procrastinating try promising yourself to get a least two homework assignments done a day. Baby steps.

The One That's Ditching the Drama

There's always someone who wants to detoxify and get rid of all the drama that's in their life but since when did the year changing have anything to do with the way that annoying girl in your class is going to behave towards you? You can try to get rid of the drama or you could pretend your life is a sitcom and always have a sassy comeback and a funny sidekick. It's more fun that way. There is no way you are going to be drama free for 365 days but just remember silence is the best reply to a fool even if that fool keeps poking you for a response.  

The One That's Going to Learn Something New

This is one of the resolutions that is actually quite intelligent. Learning a new language; learning to cook; learning how to do makeup; all wonderful things but if you have to wait until January 1st than you are not ready for this. Start straight away and then you can enter the New Year being able to speak 30 languages; know how to cook for a family of 12 and all while looking fabulous. If you really want a New Years resolution spend it on something unique and different.  

We all know we're still going to eat loads of chocolate and popcorn while online shopping and watching the new John Green book turned film. Instead of making resolutions that we know are going to last a month, let's try doing stuff that's actually achievable and keeps us the same person. 2015 is going to be your year, so start off by being yourself! That's the one thing you're already brilliant at doing. 

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