
Wednesday 12 August 2015

Friends Vs Feelings

Hello lovies!

So I want to ask you something. Have you ever had a friend that was actually kind of...mean? You know, that one friend who would make fun of you because they were your friend and it was just 'banter.' Yeah, me too. So let me ask you something else. Have you ever actually been hurt by what they said?

Sometimes because we love our friends so much we let them be mean to us and pretend it's nothing and that it doesn't hurt us when really, we're upset by it. We all want to fit in and not be that person that can't take a joke.

Even when it's not the actual friend that is being mean. Other times someone else is being mean to you and this friend may laugh at you thinking it's a joke when inside you're actually hurting. 

I used to laugh at everything mean that was said about me to show I didn't care but it got to a point where it would actually really hurt my feelings and I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to ruin everyone's joke or let them know what they were saying was actually offending me because they were my friends. Crazy right.

So here is a tip. Don't be afraid to tell somebody to STOP! Keeping all your feelings inside of you will just make things worse. The longer you take to tell them the harder it gets and the more 'jokes' they make. Trust me if they're you're true friends they'll know to stop and watch what they say. Don't let yourself be upset because you don't want to hurt your friends feelings. If they carry on after then that is just a sign being revealed to you. You need some new friends!

True friends will never try to hurt your feelings on purpose so if they do and they don't stop when you ask them then you need to find friends that will appreciate you and make you feel amazing at all times.

If you have some advice for people with mean friends leave them in the comments!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If your friends don't make fun of you they are not really your friend. That is what I heard.

    1. I get your point, I think there is a certain limit though :)

  3. Nice post. But can't always get friends that will make you feel amazing at all times. Why not be the one to make them feel amazing, scorn them but don't judge them, laugh with them but also teach them. That way you'd be some sort of guide to them. And they might not say it but it doesn't make you less who you are to them.

    1. This is such good advice, thanks for sharing! :D

  4. What are friends? Ummm maybe some randomly chosen person we started hanging out with? There are several types of people in world. Being a social creature isn't it our part of thing to get an understanding about how to act with them? For me even enemy is a friend because he keeps me always on alert. Makes me more tough.

  5. I always use to call people that I hang out with my friends, but I came to the realization there are friends and acquaintances!! so at this stage I do not have friends, only acquaintances.

    1. This is so true! Some people you just need to get away from :)

  6. I think that if anyone in your life makes you feel bad about yourself you shoud just remove them from your life. Nobody needs negativity!
    Great blog post x
